School Bulletin – October 9, 2018
TUESDAY– October 9, 2018
Today is the Feast Day of St. John Leonardi
“You are anxious – one thing is needful” Luke 10:38-42
Does the peace of Christ reign in your home and in your personal life?
“Lord Jesus, to be in your presence is life and joy for me. Free me from needless concerns and preoccupations that I may give you my undivided love and attention.”
Advanced happy birthday to Ms. Robie Arañez who will be celebrating her birthday on Thursday, October 11. More power and God bless!
- To All Faculty and Staff
Please be reminded of the Spirituality session for Lasallian Faculty and Staff today (October 9, 2018), 1:30PM-4:00PM in the R.M. Conference Room.
- The Philippine Brain Power Society (PBPS) invites students from different schools to join the challenging and interesting Math Correspondence Competition – Thailand International Mathematics Olympiad (TIMO). This is open to all grade levels and will be conducted in the MTG Center – Trinity Christian School on October 20, 2018. For more details, please see Mr. Richel Gumban in the Grade 7 Prefect’s Office before the deadline of online registration which will be on October 12, 2018 (Friday).
- From the HRDO
To All Faculty and Staff
- Please be informed that we will be celebrating our 2nd Quarter Birthday Celebration/Wellness Program on October 11, 2018 (Thursday). We have invited a Wellness Speaker from Intellicare to talk about Hypertension from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM in the R.M. Conference Room. This will be followed by the Birthday Celebration Program. Snacks will be served in the Canteen Area.
Reminder: Bring your own tumbler
To Administrators and Office Heads
- Please be reminded of the Workshop on Risk Management Program for all Administrators and Office Heads on October 12, 2018 (Friday) from 9:00 AM 4:30 PM in the R.M. Conference Room.
- From the Health Services Office (Infirmary)
- The medical community has designated October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Known risk factors for breast cancer:
- Age: The chances of breast cancer increase as you get older.
- Family history: The risk of breast cancer is higher among women who have relatives with
the disease. Having a close relative with the disease (sister, mother, and daughter) doubles a
woman’s risk.
- Personal history: Having been diagnosed with breast cancer in one breast increases the
risk of cancer in the other breast or the chance of an additional cancer in the original breast.
- Women diagnosed with certain benign breast conditions have an increased risk of breast
- Medical and Dental examination of Grade 7 is ongoing.
- From the Finance Resource Department (FRD)
Please bring your statement of account (SOA) or inform your parents to bring the SOA when paying the examination dues to the cashier. There will be a fine of twenty pesos (PhP 20.00) for those who do not have SOA. The charging of fine will be on October 8-12, 2018.
For those students who have FULLY PAID their tuition and fees, please be reminded that you are required to present the Official Receipt stamped with “EXAM PERMIT” to your adviser before or during the exam. Failure to present the Official Receipt will mean that you have to pay a fine of PhP 20.00 for another issuance of exam permit.
Cashier Schedule for 2nd Quarter Exam:
October 8, 2018 (1st day of Exam) 7:00 am – 12:00 nn Lunch Break 1:00pm -5:00 pm
October 9, 2018 (2nd day of Exam) 8:00 am – 12:00 nn Lunch Break 1:00pm -5:00 pm
October 10, 2018 (3rd day of Exam) 8:00 am – 12:00 nn Lunch Break 1:00pm -5:00 pm
October 11, 2018 (Last day of Exam) 7:00 am – 12:00 nn Lunch Break 1:00pm -5:00 pm
October 12, 2018 (Friday) 8:00 am – 12:00 nn Lunch Break 1:00pm -5:00 pm
a. In this schedule, Cashiers will entertain/receive payments if there are still clients after 5:00 pm
b. There will be no priority lane for student/s during recess/break
c. All clients (student, parent, and guardian) should get the cashier priority number.
(sgd.) (sgd.)
School Principal School Director