Today is the Feast Day of St. John of the Cross



The Lord will lead you in the way you should go      Matthew 11:16-19



Do you seek God’s way of peace and wisdom for your life?



“Lord Jesus, open my ears to hear the good news of your kingdom and set my heart free to love and serve you joyfully. May nothing keep me from following you wholeheartedly.” 



Advanced happy birthday to the following members of our community:

Ms. Cris May Geanga – Dec 20                       Dr. Jocelyn Aragon – Jan 1

Mr. RB John Picazo – Dec 21                         Ms. Janine Sonier – Jan 4

Mr. Louie Montelibano – Dec 29           Mr. Ruperto ly Gabaldon – Jan 4

Ms. Jessa Mae Gepana – Dec 30             Ms. Catherine Jacobe – Jan 5

Ms. Gelanie Gella – Dec 30                    Ms. Maricar Ricalde – Jan 6

Mr. Victor Geo Cadiz – Jan 7                         Mr. Darril Detic – Jan 7

More power and God bless!


  1. Congratulations to Kimberly Siazar and Ms. Margelyn Gruspe who passed the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Animo La Salle!



January 8 is designated in our school calendar as “Random Acts of Kindness Day.”


It could be as simple as giving a smile and saying Good Morning to a stranger;  or washing the dishes after breakfast; or paying for somebody’s jeepney fare;  or picking up a piece of trash from the school grounds. You can be as simple or as creative as you want.  A “random act of kindness” need not cost you any money. Just a little bit of love…perhaps a little bit of your time.


If only 50% of students and employees of St Jo did a random act of kindness on January 8, 2019…that would be 1000 acts of kindness done that day.   It would be a happier, kinder, brighter day for our planet.  I would like to ask everyone in St. Jo to do one random act of kindness on January 8 this year.  Do you think we can get our acts together and perform one random act of kindness on that day?  Yes?


How can we do it?  How can we monitor it?  Here’s my suggestion:

  1. Explain the program to all your teachers before Christmas vacation.
  2. Each homeroom teacher, explain the program to her/his class.
  3. On January 7, when we come back to school, explain the program again to your class.
  4. On January 8, give another reminder during homeroom period.
  5. Mechanics: after you have done your random act of kindness, make a “peace crane” and drop it in the designated box in the civic center.  At the end of the day we will know how many people made random acts of kindness by counting how many “peace cranes” are in the box.  Simple?  (You can also prepare your “peace crane” prior to doing your “rak.”  If you do not know how to fold a “peace crane” you may substitute it with any origami or paper folding figure that you can make…and drop this in the designated box.)


Let us show that we can put our acts together to make this world a little kinder, a little more loving, a little brighter.  Let us have more than 1000 peace cranes, 1000 acts of kindness on January 8, 2019.


Br. Emmanuel C. Hilado FSC


  1. We would like to thank our teachers who serve as NCAE examiners in Bata National High School, the teachers from Luis Hervias National High School and John’s Institute who administered the test and supervised our students, and all the members of our school’s working committee for the smooth and successful administration of the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) to our Grade 9 students for the last two days (December 12 & 13).



  1. Lasallian Academic Breakthrough (December 11 & 14, 2018)

Today is the last day of the Lasallian Academic Breakthrough celebration.


Directors of the Day: A.M. – Social Science Dept.    P.M.  – MAPEH Dept. /Filipino Dept.



7:20 – 7:30  –  Homeroom/Checking of Attendance/Going to the OJHCC

7:40 – 7:45  –  Prayer

7:45 – 8:30  –  Deklamasyon

8:30 – 9:20  –  Talumpati

9:00 –10:00 – Judging of Canvas Painting

9:00 –11:00 – Cooking Challenge

9:20 –9:50   –  Break

10:00 –10:50  –  Balagtasan

10:50 –11:50  –  Sabayang Pagbigkas



1:00  -1:10       – Homeroom Period/ Checking of  Attendance/Going to the OJHCC

1:20 – 1:25      –  Prayer

1:25 – 2:10      –  Dodge Ball

2:15                 –  Awarding


  1. From the Lasallian Ministries and Vocations Office (LAMIVO)

Advent Mass:  Day School at 8:00 AM                                           Night School at 2:30 PM


7:35 AM Moving to the Civic Center

7:45 AM Orientation

8:00 AM Mass


For those who would like to offer their Mass intentions, please see MR. HAROLD RIO at the LAMIVO Office.


Grade 9 and Grade 10

The LAMIVO Office distributed to each classroom the final list of the Confirmation Rites. Please fill in the needed details. Deadline is on Monday, December 17, 2018. Thank you!


  1. Dates to Remember


17 (M) Christmas Mass and Christmas Outreach; NS Christmas Party – 2:00 P.M.
18 (TU) Christmas Party (A.M. – Students;  P.M. – Faculty & Staff)
19 (W) Start of Christmas Break
29 (SA) General Alumni Homecoming – Host: Batch 1993
7 (M) Resumption of Classes
10 (TH) Grade 10 SQILLs Classes (5)
11 (F) Grade 10 SQILLs Classes (6)
12 (SA) Grade 10 SQILLs Classes (7); SEP Classes (10)
3rd Quarter Examination Week
14 (M) 1st day – Quarter Examination
15 (TU) 2nd day – Quarter Examination; Spirituality for Lasallian Faculty and Staff – PM
16 (W) 3rd day – Quarter ExaminationSanitary and Pest Control Talk (all Faculty & Staff) – 1:30 p.m.
17 (TH) Last day – Quarter ExaminationCelebration of the Feast of St. Br. JaimeWellness Program and 3rd Quarter Birthday Celebration
18 (F) Feast of St. Br. JaimeWorkshop on Introduction of Risk Assessment (Operational Level)             – Admin. & Office Heads
21 – 25 (M-F) 3rd Quarter Performance Task Week; Vocation Week
25 (F) Lasallian Mentors’ Day
26 (SA) NS Family Day
27 (SU) Family Day


MRS. ANALIE L. LOMOCSO                                 MRS. MARIA DEL PILAR M. LIMAS

School Principal                                                          School Director