Health Month Celebration
Mahatma Ghandi once said that “It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.” In this fast-paced and competitive world and because of our want to be ahead of everyone else’s game, we often forget to keep an eye out for our health. Health is undeniably tantamount to all the treasures we can accumulate in life. It has many underlying facets: physical and physiological, emotional and social, and even psychological and mental.
Good health is a matter of great concern and importance, and to maintain it, healthy living and discipline must be observed. Effort must be exerted at choosing what food to eat, having enough sleep, practicing regular exercise routines. And not only that, socializing and having fun is part of what it truly means to be healthy.
July marks the beginning of the Health Month season; it is the perfect time and moment to remind the whole SJS-LS community to involve themselves in wholesome activities that would promote and propagate healthy lifestyle as one Lasallian family.
It is in this spirit that the COCOSA has prepared the following activities for the entire school particularly the students:
July 3 – Health Month Launching / Opening Salvo and Introduction of Lasallian Wonder on Wellness (LWOW) Club Representatives
July 7 – Philippine Physical Fitness Test (PPFT) for all 22 LWOW Club Representatives
July 10 – Announcement of the TOUGH 15 LWOW Contenders
July 10-14 – Voting Period
July 17 – Announcement of the TOUGH 8 LWOW Contenders
July 27 – Health Talk on Teenage Wellness
July 28 – Grand Finals of the LWOW
Let us all be health-conscious! Animo La Salle!