Today is the Feast Day of St. Sigfrid

GOD’S WORD FOR TODAY“Do you begrudge my generosity?”      Matthew 19:3-12

REFLECTIONWhat can work and wages, welfare and the unemployed tell us about the kingdom of God?

PRAYER:“Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may serve you joyfully and serve my neighbor willingly with a generous heart, not looking for how much I can get, but rather looking for how much I can give.”

August 27 is declared as a Regular Holiday in celebration of the National Heroes Day. In anticipation of long weekend, all departments and offices are advised to secure important and confidential documents as well as personal belongings, and unplug all electrical devices/equipment.

Congratulations to the Grade 7 and Night School family for the successful celebration of their Interactions last Saturday, August 18.


CONGRATULATIONS to our students and trainer who represented our school in the Battle of the Brains Negros 2018 last August 13, 2018 held at La Consolacion College Bacolod.

 5th Place among the 21 participating schools from Central and Northern Negros



From the Sports Office

To All Athletes:

  • Please be reminded of the following deadlines:

August 22, 2018, Wednesday –  Picture for the Gallery   

August 25, 2018, Saturday  – NSO/PSA Birth certificate, Medical Exam Results, Parental Waiver

  • All athletes must strictly observe the schedule of the school clinic for the medical examination.

From the Guidance Services Office (GSO)

To the Grade 7 & Grade 8 Level Prefect, Advisers & Subject Teachers

Please be informed of the following schedules of the Grade 7 and Grade 8 Mental Ability Testing to be administered this week.

Kindly remind all grade 7 & grade 8 students to bring 2 pencils, eraser & clean sheet of scratch paper and to be present during their respective schedules.

From the Library

To All Book Mobile Club Members:

There will be a club meeting on Thursday, August 23, 2018. One of the agenda is about our Acquaintance Party.

To All Students

We are reminding once again all students with long overdue borrowed books to please return them to the library immediately to avoid overdue fines.

To All Students & Teachers

Everyone who love to read and those in need for their references especially teachers, you are all encouraged to recommend and give your preferred titles of books to our school librarian. 

From the Health Services Office (HSO)

August is Lung Month

“When you feel life is out of focus, always return to the basic of life.  Breathing.  No breath, no life.” – M.R. Miyagi

2 Ways to Keep Your Lungs Healthy and Whole

Don’t smoke or stop smoking

Every time you smoke a cigarette, you inhale thousands of chemicals into your lungs, including nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar. These toxins damage your lungs. They increase mucus, make it more difficult for your lungs to clean themselves, and irritate and inflame tissues. Gradually, your airways narrow, making it more difficult to breathe.

 Exercise to breathe harder

 When you exercise, your heart beats faster and your lungs work harder. Your body needs more oxygen to fuel your muscles. Your lungs step up their activity to deliver that oxygen while expelling additional carbon dioxide.

  • Students are reminded to refrain from staying under the Acacia Trees to avoid contact with caterpillars (“Iras”).
  • FLU, PNEUMONIA   and CERVICAL CANCER VACCINES are now available for faculty and Staff in the school clinic on a salary deduction basis. For inquiries, please see Mrs. Silfede J. Grajo at the school clinic for details.